Other Resources
Parent Portal
"The LAUSD Parent Portal is LAUSD's Parent Access Support System portal. It is a one-stop online system that connects parents and guardians to important information about their child's education. It is secure...it is personalized to your child...and it is custom-made for YOU, our parents and guardians." - LAUSD website
With the Parent Portal you will be able to:
- Monitor their child's class assignments, grades, and standardized test scores
- Track their child's progress towards graduation
- Check their child's daily attendance and monitor attendance trends
- Monitor English Learner Reclassification status
- Update Emergency Contact information
- Keep connected with their child's teachers through email
- Apply for District programs such as eChoices and the Free and Reduced Meal Program
On Google and Apple apps: LAUSD app
Parent portal on the Office of Student, Family and Community Engagement website.

Marshall High School yearbooks
While Marshal High School Library has many yearbooks, the most comprehensive collection is with the Alumni Association. You can request via email what yearbooks you would like from them here.

Digital Public Library of America
“Reading is a fundamental right. Enjoy the written word without censorship.”
Integrated Library and Textbook Support Services
Student Educational Resources - Free Sites
"... This collection provides a list of free educational resources for K-12 students, parents, teachers, and staff. The list features free web resources in academic subjects such as literature, history, and computing. This list is a work in progress."
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