Discipline and Safety Information
Ms. Martinez, AP
Mr. Colato, Dean
Ms. Ruby, School Climate Advocate
Mr. Lopez, School Climate Advocate
Mr. Patterson, School Climate Advocate
Hours of Campus Cleaning up (In lieu of suspension)
- 48263.6 (Truancy 2hrs or more)
- 48900(a) (Fight 20hrs )
- 48900(b) (Tagging 12 hrs or more)
- 48915(a)(1)(B); 48900(b) Possession of any knife or other dangerous object of no reasonable use to the pupil. (20 hrs or more)
- In the same stall (10 hrs of more)
- 48900(c) (Possession of contraband/paraphernalia 10 hr or more)
- Smoking/Vaping (10 hrs or more)
- Stolen Hall Pass (2 hrs or more)
- Play fighting (20 hrs)
- Tardy sweeps (30 minutes)
- Disrespect others, and property (2hrs or more)
- Usage of cellphones in class (1hr or more)
- Refusing to be Searched (20hrs)
- Walking away from Staff (10 hrs)
- Leaving the classroom without permission (2 hrs or more)
- Cal. Pen. Code § 633.5 Recording without permission (20 hr or more)
- Please be advised that there are other infractions that you get you trash pick-up.
Approved by SDM February 2023
Students must:
- Silence cell phones/electronic devices
- Keep cell phones put away except when teacher permits use as part of an instructional activity
- Keep earbuds and headphones stored away. They must not be worn in class without teacher permission.
- Cell phones must never be left unattended at any time during the school day. Marshall High School is not responsible for lost or stolen phones.
- Students must not photograph or video classmates or adults without permission. Doing so may have school and legal consequences.
- Phones must not be used for cyberbullying.
- For safety, students should not wear earbuds/headphones while walking, for example, during passing periods, while crossing the street, etc.
Aprobada de SDM en febrero 2023
Los estudiantes tienen que:
- Silenciar teléfonos celulares/dispositivos electrónicos.
- Mantener los teléfonos celulares guardados excepto cuando el maestro permita su uso como parte de una actividad educativa
- Guardar los audífonos en un lugar alejado. No deben usarse en clase sin el permiso del maestro.
- Los teléfonos celulares nunca deben dejarse desatendidos en ningún momento durante el día escolar. Marshall High School no es responsable por teléfonos perdidos o robados.
- Los estudiantes no deben fotografiar o grabar en video a compañeros de clase o adultos sin permiso. Hacerlo puede tener consecuencias escolares y legales.
- Los teléfonos no deben usarse para el acoso cibernético.
- Por seguridad, los estudiantes no deben usar audífonos/auriculares mientras caminan, por ejemplo, durante los períodos de descanso, al cruzar la calle, etc.
If you need support, please contact:
Ms. Karla Alvarado-Goldberg (Ella, She)
Psychiatric Social Worker, PPSC
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (323) 671 - 1406
Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7:30am - 4:00pm
Ms. Berenfeld (She, Ella)
Psychiatric Social Worker, LCSW
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (323) 671 - 1193
In case of an evacuation follow these routes to the football field:
Football Field Emergency Evacuation Area
In case of an emergency during classes, please follow the following grid map:
The following grid map is to be used during:
* Advisory Period
* Before School
* Nutrition
* Lunch
* Passing Periods
* After School