John Marshall High School students are expected to attend school on time every day. Regular attendance is essential for academic success.
When a student is absent or tardy from any class, the Phone-Master automatic call informs the respective parent. When a student returns to school from an absence, he/she must bring a note signed by the parent indicating the reason for missing school.
Students returning from an absence must come to the attendance office before school. The Attendance Office opens at 7:30 a.m.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the attendance office at 323.671.1465 and 323.671.1471.
Tardy Policy
Marshall High School has the same expectations that colleges/universities and the workplace have: students must be on time to each class every day.
Please see attached student tardy policy.
Pupil Services and Attendance (PSA) Counselor.
Pupil Services and Attendance (PSA) Counselors are child welfare and attendance advocates who utilize a three-tiered model (prevention, early intervention and intensive intervention) to improve individual and system-wide student attendance, engagement, achievement and graduation.
Pupil Services Counselors work directly with students who experience difficulties in achieving their academic potential due to social/emotional, home and community barriers.
Pupil Services Counselors in specialized units provide additional support services that are needed by the specific populations they serve.
If you have questions and/or concerns, please visit Pupil Services Counselor in the Attendance office and/or call (323) 671- 1468.
see Forms for student tardy policy
Change of Address
If students have moved over the summer or will move during the school year, parents are required to give the school their new address.
Proof of address requires one of the following items: utility bill for gas, power, water, cable, land-based telephone (not cellular); property tax statement; rental agreement or lease. The items must be recent and include the name of the parent/guardian and home address.
School Enrollment Placement and Assessment (S.E.P.A)
S.E.P.A provides services for Unaccompanied Youth/Immigrants, Foster Care, Homeless Probation Youth and Highly Mobile Youth. Please see attached flyer for more information.