Health Office » Health Office

Health Office

Sarah Tang, BSN RN PHN CSN Credentialed School/Registered Nurse
I am a health advocate, healthcare manager, and care coordinator.
Students Learn Better. School Nurses make it happen.
Ms. Tang, Nurse Tang (she/her)
Sarah Tang BSN, RN PHN CSN
Credentialed School/Registered Nurse
CSNO Member
Welcome to the Health Office for John Marshall High School
Please note that there is a Health Center on campus that runs independently by Asian Pacific Health Care Venture, Inc. (APHCV), a nonprofit community health center. Visit them (see sidebar link) or their listing in the "Clinic Info".
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Health Office Hours starting Aug 16, 2021:
Mon to Fri 8:30am-3:30pm;
and by Appointment
Office Phone: 323-671-1434
Fax: 323-761-1433

 NASN Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice

National Association of School Nurses [NASN]. (2016). Framework for 21st century school nursing practice: National Association of School Nurses. NASN School Nurse, 31(1), 45-53. doi: 10.1177/1942602X15618644
Sending Documents to Nurse
  • Drop Off: Ask to place in” School Nurse Envelope” at School Main Entrance.
  • Postal Mail: Attn: School Nurse Tang. 3939 Tracy Street, LA CA 90027.
  • Fax: 323-761-1433. Please email Nurse if sending a fax by using the Sidebar Staff Link.