Special Education Office » Transition Services

Transition Services

  • Education- college awareness, virtual campus tours & college fairs, college & financial aid application support
  • Employment- career exploration, career/interest inventories, resume, job application & interview support, virtual job fairs, work experience & coaching
  • Independent Living- self awareness (know strengths/challenges), self advocacy, social & community integration
​​​​​​​Please email me to schedule a Zoom meeting.
My goal is to help all high school students & families prepare for any life changing event by exposing them early to a variety of options and supports inside & outside of school.
Some students will want to work or go to college, or, do both after hs. Others will be undecided or opt for a non-college route & that's ok.-
The end goal is for students w/ disabilities to have a plan, learn skills, strategies & resources to be successful.
*DOTS is part of the Los Angeles Local Partnership Agreement (LALPA).
We link students & families w/ outside agencies that provide services during & after graduating from high school.