Support Team » Support Team

Support Team

Psychiatric Social Worker (PSW) Counselors

If a student needs support for their emotional well-being/mental health, they can speak with their Academic Counselor, or another adult they trust, about a referral to one of our Psychiatric Social Workers (PSW). It is also ok for a student to go directly to the PSW team to ask for an appointment if they don't feel comfortable talking to anyone else about it first.
Ms. Monsie 
Psychiatric Social Worker (PSW), LCSW
PSW office (across from the college office)
Marshall High School - Monday, Thursday, Friday
Phone: (323) 671 - 1406
Ms. Berenfeld 
Psychiatric Social Worker (PSW), LCSW
Room 151 (near the Title 1 Office)
Phone: (323) 671-1421

Pupil Services and Attendance (PSA) Counselor

The PSA Counselor supports students and families in overcoming barriers to school attendance. 

Ms. Martinez
Pupil Services and Attendance Counselor
Office Number: (323) 671 - 1468
Location: Attendance Office
Mr. Lopez
Pupil Services and Attendance Counselor
Office Number: (323) 671 - 1468
Location: Attendance Office

A-G Diploma Program Counselor

The A-G counselor provides dropout prevention, A-G intervention and credit recovery, and college and career readiness support to the school community. 
Ms. Lee 
A – G Counselor
Phone number: (323) 671 – 1477

School Nurse

Our school nurse is a health advocate, healthcare manager, and care coordinator.
Healthy Students Learn Better.  School nurses make it happen. 
Nurse Maria
School Nurse BSN, RN PHN